Eclipse slår rekord!

De har knappt gått en dag och Eclipse har redan slagit rekord!
Biggest Domestic Release In Hollywood History

The current number for Eclipse, the third movie in the Twilight Saga franchise opening Wednesday is 4,416 theaters in North America. That passes Iron Man 2 which scored 4,380 venues. No word yet on the number of locations screening the film at 12:01 AM tomorrow.



Intervju med KStew & Tay Tay

Access Hollywood intervjuade Kristen Stewart och Taylor Lautner när de befann sig i New York City.


Gifts med Kristen Stewart



Intervju med Robert Pattinson

The Woody Talk Show intervjuar Rob. ;)

Kristen Stewart hos Today Show


Eclipse Recensioner

Eclipse - Kärlek med bet

En bit in i den tredje filmen i ”Twilight”-sagan ser det för en gångs skull ut som att alla ska få precis som de vill.
För Bella handlar det om att få ligga med sin kille Edward. För Jacob om att på allvar profilera sig som ett pojkvänsalternativ. Och för oss i publiken att få en fungerande film om den här kärlekskvalande triangeln. För till skillnad från den förra filmen i serien, ”New Moon”, som var ett präktigt haveri, lyckas ”Eclipse” faktiskt både vara lite skrämmande och göra Bellas kommande livsval – ska hon bli omvandlad till en vampyr eller förbli mänsklig – lite intressant.

Den nya regissören David Slade har gjutit ny energi i det här projektet och framförallt rensat bort nästan all den ofrivilliga komik som omgärdade de känsloladdade scenerna i förra filmen. Nu blir det mer i linje med regissören Catherine Hardwickes fina tonårsskildring i den första filmen, ”Twilight”. Men framförallt har Slade, som har skapliga vampyrrullen ”30 days of night” och ruggiga dramat ”Hard candy” med Ellen Page i bagaget, lyckats skapa lite spänning och dramatik. Ja, tillsatt lite bett i denna tidigare så blodfattiga filmserie. Det är ju trots allt bestialiska vampyrer det ytligt sett handlar om här. Och en del varulvar då.
Men aldrig får man vara riktigt glad.

För Edward släpper inte till (inte utan giftermål i alla fall) och hur mycket Jacob än flexar sin bara bringa så är och förblir Bella (nästan) helt trogen sin Edward.
Och som film är ”Eclipse” visserligen på ”Twilight”-skalan en höjdare.
Enskilda scener fungerar riktigt bra, speciellt de där Bella har helt vanlig tonårsdialog med sina föräldrar. Och den tidigare enbart irriterande Taylor Lautner får fördjupa sin Jacob en smula, vilket behövs för att göra honom begriplig.

Men det finns ett stort problem. Grundpremissen i ”Eclipse” är att rädda Bella – död eller levande. Hon måste skyddas från det genomonda gäng av ”newborns”, extra blodtörstiga vampyrer, som har henne på kornet. Ett uppdrag som både Edward och Jacob tar på sig utan att tveka. Deras motvilliga allians för att skydda sin älskade är kanske många tjejers ultimata fantasi – tänk att ha två hunkar som slåss för en – men jag tycker bara det känns provocerande mossigt. Och då har jag inte ens börjat prata om antisexbudskapet, som den här gången inte kan missuppfattas: utan ring på fingret blir det inget. Punkt.
Ja, ja, detta är något som ältats fram och tillbaka sedan ”Twilights” begynnelse och är tydligen inget som bekymrar fansen.
Och de är, som bekant, många.

Twilight -seriens hitills bästa film - Eclipse

Triangeldramat mellan Bella, vampyr-Edward och varulvs-Jake fortsätter, och i denna den tredje installationen i ”Twilight”-sagan är det mycket som faller på plats som i tidigare filmer inte varit helt lyckat.

I “Twilight” fick regissören kläm på den tonårsvardagliga känslan men mindre ordning på vampyrdelarna.

I “New Moon” balanserades det stundtals kanske lite väl mycket på gränsen mellan fnisskitsch och att ta publiken – och deras våta drömmar och bultande tonårshjärtan! – på allvar. Plus förstås att effekterna såg skräp ut.

“Eclipse” däremot innehåller en bra blandning av tonårsvardagskänsla, lightskräckelement, mer humor, glimten i ögat och en aning mer action än föregångarna – utan att man för den skull dragit ner på de viktigaste ingredienserna: romantiken och trånandet.


Stark kemi men tjatigt:
MovieZine RatingMovieZine RatingMovieZine RatingMovieZine RatingMovieZine Rating

Det eviga triangeldramat fortsätter i Twilight-filmernas tredje del ”Eclipse”. Kemin mellan huvudpersonerna är starkare här men berättelsen upprepar sig för mycket vilket blir tjatigt.

I ”Eclipse” får Bella och Edward äntligen vara som nästan vilket par som helst, förutom att de inte gör något värre än att småhångla lite. Men ingen lycka varar för evigt. Dels dras Bella fortfarande till muskelknippet och varulven Jake och dels är den rödhåriga vampyren Victoria ute efter henne. Som om inte det räckte så härjar en grym vampyrarmé i närheten av Forks.

Ny Twilightfilm betyder ny regissör och den här gången är det David Slade som har dragit i trådarna. Han är mest känd som regissör till ”Hard Candy” men har även gjort vampyrfilmen ”30 days of nights”. Ett proffs på blodtörstiga vampyrer kan man tro. Trailern ökade dessutom hoppet om lite mer vampyraction. De förväntningarna infriades dock inte. Först i slutet av filmen blir det tillräckligt spännande för att man ska dras med ordentligt.

Större delen av filmen går dock fortfarande åt till prat, tyvärr om samma saker som det pratades om i ”New Moon”. Bella vill att Edward förvandlar henne till vampyr men han vill inte. Istället tjatar han om att de ska gifta sig så att de äntligen kan ha sex, gammaldags som han är. Dessa upprepningar drar tyvärr ned filmen som annars som helhet skulle ha fungerat ganska bra.

Team Jacob lär bli större efter ”Eclipse”. Jag vet inte om det är karaktären eller att Taylor Lautner är en bättre skådespelare men det blir lite roligare när han är med istället för att bara titta på Edward Dysterkvist. Jacob har utvecklats medan Edwards karaktär står stilla.

Det som David Slade lyckas bättre med än sina föregångare är kemin mellan de tre huvudpersonerna, alltså även mellan Edward och Jacob. Det är underhållande när de gnabbas och ständigt utmanar varandra medan Bella slits mellan dem som en gummisnodd. Det känns mer trovärdigt i ”Eclipse” än vad det har gjort tidigare. Här levereras till och med roliga repliker som Jakes påpekande till Edward, ”I’m hotter than you” när han får äran att värma en frusen Bella. Eller Edwards undran om Jake äger några tröjor överhuvudtaget. Det kan man förresten verkligen fråga sig. Men killen är ju ”het” så han behöver nog ingen tröja.

Vampyrfamiljen Volturi dyker även upp i ”Eclipse” men tyvärr inte någon längre stund. De är helt klart mer roande än Cullens. Mer av dem och färre scener som bara är upprepning skulle göra ”Eclipse” till en bättre film. Nu känns den istället onödigt seg för att ibland glimra till ordentligt, dock alldeles för sällan. Helhetsintrycket räcker inte riktigt till ett högre betyg även om David Slade gör vissa bitar bättre än de tidigare Twilight-regissörerna.

Källor: &

Ashley Greene, Xavier Samuel & David Slade på Eclispe premiären i Madrid



Dagens citat

If the silence in my head lasted, I would never go back. I wouldn’t be the first one to choose this form over the other. Maybe, if I ran far enough away, I would never have to hear again… I pushed my legs faster, letting Jacob Black disappear behind me.
Jacob Black, Eclipse

Peter Facinelli twittrar

Han är bara för go han! :D Peter och hans fru Jennie klädde ut sig när deras dotter hade en födelsedagsfest. Nice.

The Simpsons - Red Moon

Haha, inte för att jag gillar Simpsons men det här var coolt. Det är inte första gången ett avsnitt är Twilight inspirerat.


Taylor Lautner på Today Show

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner på Eclipse premiären i New York

Kristen och Taylor på premiären av Eclipse i New York City. Vilken snygg frisyr Kristen hade!

Ny Eclipse TV-Spot

OBS! Sänk ljudet när ni sätter på det här klippet om ni inte vill ramla av stolen så som jag gjorde!


Kristen Stewart hos David Letterman

Visste ni att Kristen har en varg hemma? :o Det kanske bara jag som är lite sent ute med det här , jag visste att han hade katter och hundar men inte att hon hade en varg. Kristen Stewart har nyligen besökt David Letterman och de pratade faktiskt om när hon var i Stockholm och vad hon gjorde där. :D
Gillar ni hennes nya hårfärg? Hon var ju tvungen att få det lite ljusare eftersom hon ska vara med i filmen, On The Road. Jag tycker att hennes andra hårfärg passade henne mycket bättre men den här funkar också bra enligt mig. ;)


Breaking Dawn kommer spelas in i November!

Reelz Channel intervjuade några från The cast och b.l.a. Melissa Rosenberg. Breaking Dawn kommer som sagt börja spelas in i November. ;)

Jamie Campbell i Sweeney Todd - just nu!

Kanal 9 sänder just nu Sweeney Todd med b.l.a. Jamie Campbell och Jonny Depp! :D

Robert & Kristen signerar en målning från ett fan

Åh, vilket lyckligt fan som får en sådan fin tavla/målning signerad av Robert Pattinson och Kristen Stewart! :o * dreglar *

Bakom kulisserna på Eclipse

På ängen:


En del av Bellas rum:


Utanför Bella & Charlie's hus:



The Twilight Saga - Eclipse premiären i Los Angeles

Kanske lite sent men, bättre sent en aldrig! Här kommer massor med bilder och intervjuer från premiären av Eclispe i Los Angeles.


























Se fler bilder här!(bild källan)

Video källa;

Dagens skämt

Entertainment Weekly - Eclipse Special

Här kommer bilder ifrån Entertainment Weekly som hade Eclipse special, dessa sidorna inkluderar nya intervjuer med twilight stjärnorna, Robert PattinsonKristen Stewart och Taylor Lautner. Jag älskar bilden med Rob, Kristen och Taylor och den andra bilden med nästan alla skådespelarna är ju underbar!

Här kommer också en lång intervju:

The stars of the scortching-hot franchise gather to dish about the new Twilight movie, Oprah, their diverging careers, and (yes) their intense feelings for each other.
by Nicole Sperling

Kristen Stewart comes bearing a gift. The actress — who’s gangly, strikingly beautiful, and still only 20 despite having made movies for nearly a decade — has baked her interviewer a little loquat pie, which she carries in a mini-aluminum tin, like one you’d find in a child’s Easy-Bake oven set. Stewart and costars Taylor Lautner, 18, and Robert Pattinson, 24, have gathered to talk about Eclipse, which opens June 30 and is, of course, the third installment in the phenomenally successful Twilight saga. The movie, rated PG-13 and directed by David Slade, finds Jacob (Lautner) and his werewolf pals joining forces with Edward (Pattinson) and his vampire clan to defend Bella (Stewart) against an army of new vampires. At the moment, however, no one wants to talk about the movie — the darkest and most compelling of the franchise so far. They just want to try the pie, which features fruit from Stewart’s own backyard. “It’s not warm and there’s no ice cream, and those are really the two things that would make it exceptional,” she says. “But it will be fine.”

When Twilight hit theaters a year and a half ago, Stewart never would have baked something for a reporter. Back then, she was a nervous 18-year-old who fretted over every syllable that escaped her lips and seemed terrified of the publicity circuit. Today, Stewart and her costars exude considerably more confidence. The last two Twilight movies have earned more than $1 billion worldwide and supercharged their careers. Stewart is about to shoot an adaption of a Jack Kerouac;s ‘On the Road’, Lautner’s embarking on John Singleton’s action thriller ‘Abduction’, and Pattinson’s starring alongside Reese Witherspoon as a veterinarian in a traveling circus in ‘Water for Elephants’. The actors make an extremely tight trio: honest, protective of each other, and warmly familial. In person, as on screen, Pattinson and Lautner’s mutual affection for Stewart is the tie that binds.

-How do you think Eclipse ranks against the other two films?

Taylor Lautner: It is definitely my favorite.

Robert Pattinson: I don’t like it as much. {Laughs} Could you imagine if I meant that?

Kristen Stewart: It’s always hard because you’re so close to it. I run this really intense list of, like, checks and balances to make sure everything has come across. But I know I pulled less of my hair out {watching} it.

-Speaking of your hair, you definitely don’t play with yours as much in this movie.

Stewart: {Laughs} No, because it’s not my hair.

Lautner: Nope, it was a wig.

Stewart: I’m just going to be really honest right now: Yeah, I finally dropped my tic.

-The emotional scenes in Eclipse really play well, I think.

Stewart: This is the first time that Bella actually indulges Jacob and sees that there are two very desireable paths ahead of her and not just one. It takes kissing him to see that.

Lautner: {To Pattinson} Are you lifting weights?

Stewart: Actually, he has been.

Lautner: Seriously, he was just {flexing}, and the bicep was bulging.

-Is this to compensate for everyone talking about Taylor’s body so much?

Pattinson: It is a desperate attempt. I’ve got body dysmorphia. I am stuck with my belly.

-One scene fans have been dying to see takes place in the tent during the snowstorm. Jacob warms up Bella with his body because Edward is cold-blooded and can’t do it himself.

Lautner: The tent scene is probably my favorite, because it’s the first time Edward and Jacob are actually able to connect and understand each other.

-How many takes did you go through to get that scene?

Lautner: Two days originally to film it, and then a full day of reshoots.


Pattinson: [The director] wanted it to be more erotic. Seriously.

Stewart: It’s true. In the book there’s a serious sexual tension. As I’m sleeping, Jacob is staring over my vulnerable body, and he’s naked in this f- - -ing sleeping bag because you heat up faster that way, and Jacob and Edward are leveling with each other.

-Taylor, you and Rob have some pretty serious confrontations in this movie.

Lautner: Some of those scenes were pretty hard for me. I think we ruined a couple of takes in front of the house and in the tent. It’s just, I don’t know, I have a hard time looking at him…

Stewart: Ha! “I have such a hard time looking at him”!

Lautner: {Laughs} I wasn’t finished. He and I were thisclose to each other — we are literally, like, an inch away — and we’re screaming at each other.

Stewart: And about to kiss…

Lautner: A couple of moments it felt like that.

Pattinson: Every single time we had to do a threatening thing to each other — for one thing, you always have your shirt off, and so in the tent scene I literally grabbed your breast. And it’s very difficult to remain in the moment. Also, in that tent scene, I can’t really get over the fact that the word thought sounds like fart.

Stewart: The word thought does not sound like fart.

Pattinson: It does.

Stewart: Maybe because you are an English person.

Pattinson: The opening line of that scene is “Can you at least keep your farts to yourself?” I couldn’t quite get over that.

-Taylor, you worked so hard to get the body for New Moon. Can you ever let it go? Are we ever going to see a paparazzi shot of you eating a dozen doughnuts?

Lautner: Yeah, hand me some of that pir. I will eat that right now.

Pattinson: I will eat the container.

Lautner: I cheat all the time. I’ve got to be a lot more strict while we’re actually filming, or when a photo shoot is coming up, but I’ll eat some ice cream, some cake.

-Rob, what’s the secret to not having to take your shirt off?

Pattinson: Don’t work out. I just kept telling everyone why I needed to take my shirt off in a scene, and everyone else had to think of reasons why I shouldn’t. “No, I don’t think so — Edward is much more chaste than that.”

Stewart: “He is modest. He is much more modest.”

Pattinson: Then I’d say, “No, seriously — I would like to wear a really tight tank top and have my belly come out of the bottom. And have some sweat on it, too.”

-Would you guys want to star in a big franchise again?

Stewart: I would have to love it like this.

Pattinson: It is just the promotion part, which is the hardest part. When you see your face on, like, toilet paper and stuff, that’s when you know you have to negotiate the water very carefully afterwards.

-Have you guys become more savvy in terms of how your face and your persona are represented out there?

Stewart: Well, you don’t have a lot of control over your persona. Trust me, I’ve had a massive amount of experience with that one.

-Interviews have always been fraught for you. What helps?

Pattinson: Knowing that it doesn’t really matter.

Stewart: And knowing that most people don’t give a f—.

Pattinson: I would do TV interviews and I would be terrified, thinking that every single word would be judged. And it’s really just, like, maybe two people on the Internet who are actually judging. The rest of the people are just watching, thinking, Oh, God, boring. You realize the {key to} marketing is just having your face everywhere, and that’s it. It doesn’t matter what you say.

Stewart: Just plaster it up. Every movie that has the home page at MySpace opens at number one. Every. Single. Movie. Because it’s just there all the time. It is in everybody’s face.

-So do you feel more at peace about being in the spotlight these days?

Stewart: I just feel more comfortable, more myself, and I feel less bare. I feel much more like nobody can take anything from me. Before, I felt literally like my chest was cracked open and people could just reach in and examine and pick at anything they wanted, and it just freaked me right out.

-You got a lot of criticism recently for comparing the intrusiveness of the paparazzi to rape. The comment got blown out of proportion very quickly, and you apologized.

Stewart: I’m so sensitive about stuff like that. That is the one subject that means a lot to me. I made one movie directly concerning it, and I made another one where my character has a horrible history of rape. I talked to a lot of people about it. I used the wrong word. I should have said “violated.” But I’m young and emotional. It’s just the way it goes sometimes. I probably shouldn’t say this, but I just feel like people got so excited once they saw that it was me. It was like, “Sweet! Let’s get her!” And then for the people to exploit it under the guise of being morally upstanding is disgusting — and it embarrassed me because I was a part of it.

-Did you see it all unfold and then think, I have to issue an apology?

Stewart: No, I was in Korea when it all got bad. My publicist called me and said RAINN had issued this terrible statement.

Pattinson: Who’s Rain?

Stewart: You know, the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network.

Lautner: I thought you were talking about Rain, that Korean star, or something. I was like, What did they do? They sicced Rain on you? The Ninja Assassin?!

Pattinson: None of those associations came out and gave a statement [criticizing Kristen] without being called upon by the media first — who were doing it specifically to get hits on their websites. That whole system of Internet journalists, where no one is called to account, is almost entirely about hate. All these people get away with doing it because they have no responsibility to anyone. All they need is to get a salacious headline and people click on it, because it’s easy. And it’s quite good being part of these Twilight films because you have to give so many interviews all the time, you can defend yourself. That’s the only way. All of us stick together, as well. There are so many little nerds behind their computers, on their little blogs.

Stewart: See, if I said that? Crucifixion. You can say so much more than me. It’s insane.

Pattinson: That’s not true at all. When did I say anything {controversial}?

Stewart: You’re really good, but you could say, “I just took a s*** on the Queen’s face,” and people would be like, “Oh, I love him! I love him!”

Pattinson: That is so not true.

-Kristen, you obviously feel like you’re under more of a microscope.

Stewart: I’m a girl, and our fan base is primarily other girls. I would be the same way. I’d be like, “That b—- doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”

Pattinson: One of the things that really annoys me about the rise of all these celebreity websites is that anyone who becomes famous — people are so desperate to prove that {celebrities} are lower than the average person on the street. Why destroy any hope for anyone else? When I grew up, looking at movies like ‘One Few Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’ and stuff, it made me want to do things. And you don’t want to believe that someone you admire….

Stewart: ….is an a–hole. Now they can’t wait to call you an a–hole when you’re not.

Pattinson: And any way that you can promote positivity — I know it sounds ridiculous — but it’s the best thing you can possibly do.

-Taylor, how do you feel about being in the public eye? You seem comfortable.

Lautner: I get nervous, for sure.

Stewart: He gets very nervous.

Lautner: Us together — it’s not good.

Stewart: You make me feel a lot better.

Lautner: I’m glad I do.

Stewart: I am so shocked that you get nervous that it instantly takes mine away.

Lautner: Yeah, it gets your mind off it. Like at the Oscars.

Stewart: We were both so goddamn nervous.

Lautner: I was standing backstage waiting to go out, and I could feel the veins in my neck just pulsing. I was like, Whoa, I need to loosen this jacket a little bit.

Stewart: Literally, you are standing there in front of….

Lautner: ….everybody you’ve looked up to your entire life….

Stewart: Your whole life. And they’re looking at you slightly baffled and saying, ‘What are you doing here?”

-What about when you guys were on Oprah recently? There was a story all over the place that Oprah talked to you backstage and demanded to know if you, Kristen and Rob, were a couple. And that you said yes. Did that really happen?

Stewart: {To Lautner} Did you see my interaction with Oprah backstage?

Lautner: Yeah. I witnessed it.

Stewart: She glided over to me — and she was strong by the way, really firm hands — and she said, “How are you?” I said, “Good.” She said, “Good. Are you nervous?” I said, “Yeah, I am, but I think I’m okay.” She said, “Good. We’ll have fun.” And then she just walked away. And that was the most I talked to her backstage.

-You didn’t tell her you were a couple?

Lautner: It never happened.

Stewart: Did {Oprah herself} actually say that? I don’t think she did. Of course, when we go on Oprah, someone is going to say, “We got the scoop!” No, sorry, they didn’t. I never told them anything. Why would I go tell Oprah that?

-Rob and Kristen, you’ve both been making other movies. Being in Twilight must be a pretty good calling card.

Pattinson: One of the best things is how fast you can get a film started. I don’t know how much longer it is going to last after the Twilight films finish, because now you can read a script and get it greenlit in three months. It’s crazy. It’s like having your own studio.

Stewart: I still can’t get ‘K-11′ made because I’m playing a boy in it. If I were playing a pretty girl, it would be done already.

Pattinson: How much is the budget? I can get it made. Let me produce it.

Stewart: Please do. There’s this project that I’ve been talking about forever, and it just hasn’t gotten off the ground. My mom and her writing partner wrote a script called ‘K-11′ that takes place in a jail, and I would play a man. But people don’t want to see Bella doing that, so they didn’t want to raise money.

-Rob, your movie ‘Remember Me’ came out not long ago. Do you think it’s unfair when people say, “Remember Me wasn’t a blockbuster, therefore he can’t do anything besides Edward Cullen?”

Stewart: Like, “The Runaways was an enormous failure,” which it so wasn’t.

Pattinson: ‘Remember Me’ was the perfect movie to do for such a short period of time. And I really liked it. I guess maybe it could have been marketed differently. But I think it did really well for a small-budget thing.

-Is there freedom in doing a different role from Edward?

Pattinson: Yeah. And I think, Oh, I only have to do my job. I don’t have to think about how the poster should be.

-Did you find yourself thinking about the poster for Twilight?

Pattinson: Yeah, all the time. No one ever listens to me. {Laughs} It’s difficult now. On the first one we had so much more creative input, but now it’s so huge that it’s too big to steer. And if you want to say “I’m going to steer the whole Twilight machine,” you get fired. And the other thing is, it’s way too much responsibility. Why would you ever want that?

-Taylor, you’ve taken advantage of the opportunities that Twilight has given you. What has this ride been like?

Lautner: This was an amazing platform, and it gives you the opportunity to be picky and do what you want to do — and that is the actor’s dream, to be able….

Stewart: …to choose stuff.

Lautner: Yeah, and now I’m choosing projects that I’m extremely passionate about.

Stewart: {Fondly} You cute-ass motherf—er.

-What are you most excited about?

Lautner: I’d have to say ‘Abduction’, because I start in three weeks. I play a high school senior who finds a picture of himself on a missing-persons website and realizes his whole life has been a lie.

-What do you guys think of the career choices Taylor is making?

Stewart: It’s crazy how ambitious he is. I’m so different from him. We were on the plane and he said, “So what do you think I should do about this?” And it was concerning his massive movie, and I was like, “Dude, I don’t make movies like that. I don’t know.”

Lautner: It doesn’t matter. She’s an excellent person to go to for advice. I probably bug her because I go to her for advice so much.

Stewart: Taylor, I would do anything for you.

Pattinson: Okay, that sounded like the most insincere thing.

Stewart: See, you actually have a real moment and people just think that you’re lying.

-You guys are about to start shooting the two Breaking Dawn movies back to back. You signed on to this franchise before Breaking Dawn was written. When you read it, were you thinking, How is this going to be turned into a movie?

Stewart: Yeah, definitely. What is Renesmee going to look like? Is it going to be this little teeth-baby running around? It’s going to be weird.

Pattinson: {Laughs} “Little teeth-baby.”

Stewart: Yeah, but I think it’s going to be cool. One of the main objectives of the series is to get Bella to a point where she’s mature enough to make such a hefty decision, and she goes through a lot. In the fourth one, she is going to become a wife. She is going to become a mom. She is going to become an adult and a vampire. To do it so young, it needs to be believable. So I’m really excited about playing that.

-Some people read Breaking Dawn as very pro-life and Mormon because Bella decides to have her baby even though it’s endangering her life. Did any of that bother you when you read the book?

Stewart: No, because it made sense. Not wanting to give up the baby is about her holding onto that last thing that she would have to give up if she was not human anymore. Right after she and Edward sleep with each other for the first time, she says, “Oh, f***, I might want to be human for a little bit longer.” The baby is just an even more intense version of that.

Pattinson: I think people make up all these Mormon references just so they can publish Twilight articles in respectable publications like the New York Times. Even Stephenie {Meyer} said it doesn’t mean any of that. It is based on a dream.

-The Breaking Dawn movies are the last in the series. How do you feel about all of this coming to a conclusion soon?

Stewart: In terms of shooting them, they’re almost done. We’re going to be done by March.

Lautner: It will be so weird, the last day of filming that last movie.

Stewart: It will be sad, too. It’s been one of the most crazy, indulgent experiences as an actor, to be able to follow a character for this long.

Lautner: I think stopping will be very weird.

Stewart: It will just feel like a chapter has been closed.

Lautner: A big chapter.

Stewart: I’m going to be like, “But wait, there’s this scene…”

Pattinson: {Laughs} “I know how to do the tent scene now! I’m 30!”



Jaså, ser man på! Den här bilden har en person tagit som har varit närvarande och jag kännde att jag bara var tvungen att lägga ut den. Nu ska vi inte hörhasta oss, men är det en kyss eller bara en puss på kinden? Vad tror ni? ;)


Jag kom hem igår kväll från min lilla resa och vad händer nu? Jo, jag ser att mitt lilla inlägg där jag skrev att jag kommer vara bortrest några dagar inte har publicerats, hehe.
Men nu är jag tillbaka! :D

Eclipse vattenflaskor!

Skulle inte ni vilja ha en sådan här? :D

Fler bilder på The TwiCast hos Jimmy Kimmel

Många, många nya bilder kommer här!
Är det jag som ser fel eller har Ashley Greene bytt hårfärg? :D
Kristens hår växer snabbt tycker jag!

Intervju med Xavier Samuel

Intervju Magazine intervjuade Xavier Samuel, som spelar Riley i den kommande filmen Eclipse! Xavier pratar om filmen, fansen, och mycket mer!


BRYCE DALLAS HOWARD: So now that you’re almost on the other side with Eclipse, how has everything been for you? It’s all been a little wild, right?

XAVIER SAMUEL: Yeah, it has. It’s kind of like being struck by lightning in a way, because it all seems so improbable.
HOWARD: Eclipse is your first American film.
SAMUEL: It is. I’ve been doing American auditions for a while, and it always felt sort of like sending these audition tapes off into the ether. So just
hearing anything back from anyone was kind of startling.
HOWARD: When we were shooting Eclipse, it was amazing for me to see how the girls all went berserk over you.
These girls were totally losing their minds—and much like everyone else
in the cast who experiences those sorts of things, you dealt with it
really graciously and wonderfully. Were you at all startled by that?

SAMUEL: I mean, it’s kind of bizarre, isn’t it? Having that kind of attention.
I’m not under the microscope in the same fashion that a lot of the
other cast members are, so I think I can slide under the radar a little
bit more, but getting any attention at all is completely new for me.

HOWARD: Well, it’s been interesting to see how these young women have responded to you and your hair and your accent.

SAMUEL: My hair and my accent are sort of my main assets.

HOWARD: I’ve found, just from working with Australians like you and Mia and Sam

Worthington—actually Gus Van Sant, who directed the film [Restless]
I worked on with Mia, also noticed this with Nicole Kidman—that you
guys have such a sturdiness. I don’t know if it’s just the terrain in
Australia or the kind of training you do or the way acting is taught
over there, but there’s a sturdiness that we as Americans could
definitely learn something from. There’s also a sense of gratitude.

SAMUEL: Well, I think it’s the training coupled with the fact that the films that get
made are so few and far between. In Australia, getting an audition can
be a rarity. There just aren’t as many opportunities. So I guess the
mentality is that you kind of give your all whenever you get a chance
to work. When you put that in the American context, where you’re getting a substantial number of auditions a week by comparison, I guess
your strike rate is a bit better, in a way. I mean, being in a film
like Eclipse is such a great opportunity—and there’s a massive fan base with these Twilight movies that you need to respect. So I don’t think I could sleep at night if I didn’t give it my best shot.

Nikki Reed på The Activision Party!

Åh, jag älskar henne hår!




Taylor Lautner för GQ Magazine













The hysterical children. That's what stands out most. The red carpet is lined with these screaming tykes, hundreds of small wonders packed ten feet deep on raised platforms. They are reaching out their hands for Him, shoving little notebooks and pink pens into His hand. The desperation in their cries has a familiar, specific timbre; they sound like hungry newborn infants.

It is March 27, and I am inching down the red carpet at Nickelodeon's annual Kids' Choice Awards—embedded with Taylor Lautner, Twilight's boy werewolf, now reportedly the highest-paid teenage actor in Hollywood. He's one of the highest-paid actors period, having just signed a $7.5 million deal to play Stretch Armstrong in a big-screen take on a toy no one has seen in thirty years. Lautner's regular security guard, a professional badass, notices me flinching at the shrieking. He smiles: "On the New Moon tour, I took Advil. Preventively."

Lautner—dressed in a wool blazer over a white V-neck T-shirt (both gifts from the designer Neil Barrett), his dark hair shellacked into a skyward-pointing spear—seems unfazed. Is it always like this? I ask. So he tells me about Brazil. How he and his Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart were trapped in a hotel suite when hundreds of teenage fans stormed the lobby, outwitted security, and charged the stairs to get to them. "We were in lockdown in this little room for forty-five minutes waiting for the SWAT team to arrive," Lautner says, his eyes wide. "We said to each other, 'Let's say they get into this room. What are they going to do? Tear us to shreds? What do they want?' "

Finally we are at the door to UCLA's Pauley Pavilion, finally inside the building, finally moving toward our seats in the front row, when I notice: For a kids' show, this is one fucking starry room. Adam Sandler, Steve Carell, Tina Fey, Robert Downey Jr., Rihanna—they're all within earshot. Avatar's Zoe Saldana is sitting three seats away. Rosario Dawson and Olympic champion Shaun White will present the first award. It's a tribute to the primacy of the youth market. They've all come to kiss the (candy) ring.

Lautner, 18, sits down and begins to tell me how honored he is to be here, how honored he's been to be everywhere lately. Like at this year's Oscars, where he introduced a tribute to horror films alongside Stewart. "I would have passed out if she wasn't there!" Lautner says. "You're looking down and you're talking to George Clooney, Leonardo DiCaprio—and they're listening to you!" This is his baseline sentiment: honest, enthusiastic bafflement. It's probably the only suitable reaction. He talks about the MTV Video Music Awards, where he presented a trophy to his then maybe-girlfriend Taylor Swift, only to watch Kanye snatch the microphone. "I was standing behind her as it was happening, and 100 percent I was sure it was staged!" Lautner says, eyebrows raised. "I thought, 'This was something that they rehearsed.' I was enjoying the show! But then Taylor turned around and I saw her face."

Just then, at the UCLA auditorium, Jeffrey Katzenberg, the CEO of DreamWorks Animation, suddenly interrupts the conversation with a question. Katzenberg—59 years old, V-neck sweater, pleated khakis—leans in close. "Taylor," he says, "do you have two minutes? Will Smith wants to meet you."

A minute later, Lautner returns to his seat, winded. He looks around the arena, at the 7,000 fans and the lights and the cameras, and asks out loud, "Is this really happening? Am I really here?"

Those are pretty good questions. He might also ask: What on earth did I do to deserve that $7.5 million contract and the adoration of millions? He's handsome, yes. But in two Twilight films, Lautner has logged fifty minutes of screen time. Total. In the first movie, he spoke 239 words. Oh, and he was nearly fired from the sequel before filming began. (More on that soon.)

Finally the lights inside the UCLA arena dim, signaling the start of the show, and when Lautner's photograph appears on the JumboTron, the shrieking resumes. Lautner's security guard rushes over with one last message, whispering something into his ear before disappearing again into the darkness.

"What did he just say to you?"

Lautner locks eyes with me, touches my leg and laughs. "He said, 'If anything happens—' " Lautner points towards the exit sign—" 'we're going left.' "


One week after the Kids' Choice Awards, Taylor Lautner pulls up for lunch in Valencia, California, a suburb forty-five minutes north of Hollywood. This is where he lives, with his parents and younger sister, in a home that's almost indistinguishable from the others in the neighborhood. Lautner suggests the Olive Garden for lunch. "Do you like this place?" he asks, a little unsure, adding: "My father turned me on to it." Without glancing at the menu, Lautner orders the Toscana soup, then asks to substitute the Caesar salad for the house. Before the waiter can reply, Lautner interrupts innocently: "I know," he says, "it'll be a dollar fifty extra. That's fine." Well, yes. Yes, it will be.

If the Olive Garden seems an unlikely place to meet one of the most watched teenagers in America, so be it. The location is as clear an indication as any of how far he's come, and how fast. His is a story filled with extreme coincidence, as if the heavens opened up and said, You. You with the teeth. Next year at this time, people will be able to draw your abs from memory.

Because he's only 18, his creation story takes about thirty seconds, but it begins at a karate school in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He is 7 years old when (Random Fate-Sealing Circumstance #1) the school's owner invites his students to a martial-arts tournament in Louisville, Kentucky. There, Lautner meets Mike Chat, a karate coach who's been (Random Fate-Sealing Circumstance #2) a successful actor. Okay, he was the Blue Power Ranger, but still. Chat encourages Lautner to come out to L.A. for a martial-arts summer camp and later a monthlong stay. He hooks the boy up with an agent, and while Lautner returns home to Michigan without a job, he's still getting calls about auditions.

The story might end there, except that (Random Fate-Sealing Circumstance #3) Lautner's father happens to be a pilot for Midwest Airlines, and the family can fly standby for almost nothing. "I'd go to sleep at nine in Michigan, and my parents would get a phone call, Can you be in L.A. tomorrow for an audition?" Lautner says. "They'd wake me up at four in the morning, and we'd fly to L.A. I'd get home the next morning and just miss the bus for school." When the Herman Miller production plant Lautner's mother works at shuts down (Random Fate-Sealing Circumstance #4), the family takes it as a sign to move west, renting a two-bedroom apartment a few blocks from the Olive Garden, on one of those fakey Main Streets popular in preplanned communities like this one. His most high-profile booking: playing a 3-D fish in The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.

Our food comes quickly, followed immediately by the Olive Garden's service manager, José, who'd like to "make sure everything is tasting just fine so far." Beat. "I just wanted to say it's a pleasure having you. Go, Team Jacob!"

Ah yes. Jacob. Lautner's biggest and most intense bit of luck was Twilight. And as if to underscore the idea that luck is massively fleeting, he almost lost the part. In 2008, Lautner was cast as Jacob Black, Native American teenager and platonic best friend to Bella Swan. (Lautner had just four scenes in the film and missed a week of school.) Released on November 21, 2008, the movie made instant tabloid stars of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. Lautner was worse than an afterthought: The studio hinted at replacing him. (A press release was issued trumpeting the return of Kristen and Robert; Lautner was MIA.) Jacob discovers he's a werewolf in book two and grows from a skinny wannabe into a six-foot-seven man-wolf. Offscreen, Lautner still looked like a pup. He had a Twilight lunchbox with his face on it but would have to audition for the sequel.

Lautner admits to some dark, if brief, moments of self-doubt. He hired a personal trainer on his own dime and started practicing some Tony Robbins mind tricks. "I'm in the gym," Lautner says, "and I'm doing reps, and I'm reading the books, and I'm studying the character. I'm just saying to myself, 'I want this role. I love this role. I'm not gonna lose it. And I'm gonna know it better than anybody, and I'm gonna do that extra rep, because I'm gonna be Jacob Black.' " He ate every two hours, mostly meat his parents cooked and then packed in a cooler he kept in the car. Sitting in traffic, Lautner would eat cold ground chuck from plastic Baggies. He put on thirty pounds of muscle, consented to a screen test with Stewart (who lobbied on his behalf), and kept his job. He also solved the film's marketing issues when his abdominal muscles became New Moon's main talking point, not to mention his calling card. In one scene, Stewart crashes a motorcycle, and Lautner rushes to her aid. "It's just blood, Bella," he says. "No big deal." And then pauses to peel off his shirt.

As if on cue, a twentysomething man slides up to our table. "I'm sorry," he says, "can I take a photo? Uh, my niece is a big fan."

Over lunch, Lautner signs a dozen autographs and poses for everyone with a cell phone. His cultural momentum is obvious—and as enthusiastically as he hit the weight room and the bags of meat, he has worked to keep it that way. Lautner was out promoting New Moon for months after its release, to the point that Stewart—his de facto older sister offscreen—sent him a text message: "Stop working and come home already. I miss you." New Moon has made $297 million, and since its release, Lautner's name has been attached to no less than five major projects. He was reportedly offered seven figures to star in Max Steel, another would-be blockbuster based on a toy, but choseStretch Armstrong, because, he says, it was "ready." ("Ready" is a relative term in Hollywood. There was no script, nor was there a director. But Hasbro, coming off Transformers, had a reputation for getting films made.) When Lautner begged off Max Steel, producer Joe Roth (Alice in Wonderland) complained to the Daily Beast that Lautner was "getting bad advice."

"I heard about that," Lautner says diplomatically, "It's funny you'd mention that. Because I ran into Joe Roth last night at the Lakers game." Awkward? "No. I walked up to him and said hello. He's very nice!" How were your seats? "Great. Courtside!"

There are many such perils facing Nickelodeon's favorite male actor. For starters, he has to be careful about his rep as beefcake. He tells a story reminiscent of the plight of young female starlets in town: Lautner had a small role in the surprise hit Valentine's Day, playing a high school athlete. The role was written speciffically for him. "Originally I was supposed to take off my shirt," he says. "The script said we were walking into school and Willy takes off his shirt. I said, 'Whoa, whoa, whoa. Time out. He's gonna take off his shirt in the middle of school? No, no, no. The reason I took off my shirt for New Moon is because it's written in the book that way. And there's reasons behind it."

A note to future pop-culture historians: This may have been the precise moment it became okay to sell a young male's physique the same way Hollywood sells Megan Fox.


It's a funny thing, that $7.5 million deal. Taylor Lautner is being offered action-star tentpole money. But he hasn't actually been in an action film yet. If Hollywood is hoping Eclipse, out this month, will answer any lingering doubts about whether he can carry one, guess again. The big fight scenes? Lautner's not in them. His twelve-foot CGI avatar is. "When Jacob fights," explains Eclipse director David Slade, "he's furry." What Slade can tell us about Lautner's potential is how much he's improved as an actor. He recalls filming one moment where Lautner transitions back to human form at the end of a battle. Slade says, "I saw Taylor standing behind a tree beating his chest" to prepare himself. "He was playing pain."

Whether Lautner is worth that kind of payday or not is an impossible question to answer, and perhaps even an unfair one. Hollywood's in a panic, throwing money at anyone who looks like he can hold a gun convincingly. "I can't get caught up in that," Lautner says. "If I start thinking, Is this movie going to open? Is this movie going to do well?I'm not focusing on the job. The job is to make a good movie."

Still, the pressure is on. Later this month, Lautner heads to Pittsburgh to shoot his first solo vehicle, Abduction. It's sort of a teen Bourne Identity, the story of a high school senior whose parents are killed the same day he finds his own photograph on a Web site for missing persons. This will be Lautner's first chance to carry a movie and to answer that other lingering question: Is he a movie star or a fleeting—albeit suddenly rich—curiosity? He says he wants to follow the "Tom Cruise model," and that's probably the right way to go. Lautner has the chance to be one of those nonthreatening boyish action heroes, the type that can cross ethnic lines and gender divides and bring people to the box office in droves. Random Fate-Sealing Circumstance may have brought him here, but it's undeniable that he's made the most of the moment. It reminds me of something Chris Weitz, the director of New Moon, told me about Lautner's appeal. Weitz fought to keep Lautner on the project because, he says, "it was easier for Taylor to bulk up than for us to find some hunky, brooding guy and make him seem like the best friend of an 18-year-old girl." A strange skill, sure, but also a hell of an asset if you're trying to sell tickets.

Or toys, for that matter. Finishing up lunch, Lautner launches back into Is this really happening? story hour. Like when Hasbro flew him out to the corporate headquarters to present him with a Stretch Armstrong action figure cast in his likeness. The doll so closely resembled Lautner, the actor says giddily, that "I literally thought it was me in a little miniature size." Or when he went on Oprah: "I got the famous Oprah hug!" Or when he met Robert Downey Jr. at the Vanity Fair Oscar party. "He's awesome!" Lautner says. "He was wearing these blue glasses, and he introduced me to his wife, Susan. He's as nice as could be."

After lunch we climb into Lautner's 5 Series BMW—"My first car!" he says—for a tour of his new hometown. The windows are tinted so dark they appear to be presidential-grade.

"The paparazzi," he says, shrugging his shoulders.

Does it get to you?

"There's some things you just have to live with," Lautner says, pulling out of the parking lot. "Like twelve cars camping outside your house, and when you wake up in the morning, they're going to follow you wherever you go. It helps that I live in Valencia. It eliminates some. But they're still here."

We keep driving, past the movie theater, past the gym where he works out. We drive past the Promenade, where the Lautners first lived in Valencia, where his sister turned the walk-in closet into her own bedroom. Ask if he's considered getting his own place, now that his career is on solid ground, and he looks like the thought never occurred to him. "Um, you know, not so much," he says. Really? What 18-year-old movie star with millions wouldn't move out of his parents' house? "There's really no point. I'm so busy. I really haven't thought about it."

I think he likes it in this small town, with its strip malls and Olive Gardens. Because there's too much at stake, and he can't get into any trouble here. "There's some of that," he says. "The thing I love is that my home life hasn't changed. I still help out with the garbage. I still help out with the lawn."

Lautner has to get home, he says. In the morning, he and his team will leave for Madrid for a promotional gig. Lautner has been to Europe a handful of times, but always for work. "It's a tease, is what it is," he says. "You show up in Paris, and on the drive from the airport to the hotel you're like, 'This is so cool! I want to see something! I want to go to the Eiffel Tower!' And then you leave the next morning. You think, Oh, I didn't get to do anything." He pauses. "I tell people: I've been just about everywhere, but I've seen nothing."

Mickey Rapkin is a GQ senior editor.


Bakom scenerna:

[Källor; &]

RPattz på Nightline - Robert Pattinson vs. George Clooney

The TwiCast hos Jimmy Kimmel

Våra kära TTS skådespelare kommer som sagt befinna sig hos Jimmy Kimmel och ha en Eclipse special. Inspelningarna är nu gjorda men inga videos är ute än, bara massor med bilder. Men för tillfället, duger det gott och väl. :D

Twilight tatueringar

Skulle ni vilja tatuera något twilight inspirerat? :D Jag ska faktiskt skriva/tatuera "Be safe" på min rygg när jag blir lite äldre!


Ashley Greene hos Jay Leno

Igår var Ashley Greene hos Jay Leno & såhär såg det ut. ;)

För er som inte vill se något från Eclipse filmen, varnar jag för spoilers men jag måste säga att intervjun är riktigt bra!



Intervju med Bryce Dallas Howard

Dagens bild

Extra TV’s Candid Photobooth-shots med TwiCast


Personer kommenterar Eclipse filmen * OBS! SPOILERS*

Som ni kanske vet finns det några lyckliga människor där ute som redan har sett Eclipse!
De har nu skrivt lite kort om detta.

Eclipse  ReviewHeidi, Twilight Facebook: “Let me just say you guys will LOVE Eclipse

Lauren, Twilight Facebook: “Just got out of ‘Eclipse’! It was AMAZING. Thank you @DAVID_A_SLADE for really bringing out the best of this book and movie.

Twilight Lexicon: “The Whole admin team just got to see Eclipse in IMAX. All of us agree 100% with Loris post Oprah Show review!”

Twilighters Anonymous: “Promise no spoilers, but I will say Eclipse is the best of the three. Very well done and the fight scene will give you goosebumps.

Taryn Ryder, E! Online: “know im not allowed 2 tweet ab eclipse.but since it’s good does that not count?100% best 1 so far,very very pleasantly surprised”

BUZZNET: “We just saw a screening of Eclipse. It was pretty funny for an emo love story. Will live tweet the interviews w the cast tomorrow. Tune in!”

Joshua Horowitz, MTV: “I’ve seen “Eclipse” and I don’t think I can say much more than that. I’ll risk execution and say it’s the best of the 3.

Steve Weintraub, “Eclipse in IMAX looked great. Best action of series.Also wolf effects much better than new moon.Fans are going to love it”

George Roush, “#Eclipse is the best of the #Twilight movies. The CGI was a lot better and the fights were pretty cool. And they talked about love and s—.”

Shaun Robinson“just saw Eclipse! Great! So much ACTION and, ladies, the guys are HOTTER than ever!”


Grattis på födelsedagen Elizabeth Reaser!

Idag fyller Elizabeth Reaser som spelar Esme Cullen 35 år!
Grattis till henne!

Officiellt - Eclipse filmen är klar!

Yey, filmen är klar, färdig, klar, done,prêt, valmis, listo! :D

Last night completed our final duties on delivering Eclipse My wonderful fiance took this picture of my expression.


The Twilight Saga: Eclipse - Presskonferansen har filmat in hela Eclipse presskonferensen, hela! :D


Eclipse Convention - Robert, Taylor & Kristen

Den 11 - 13 Juni var det Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner och Kristen Stewart's tur att var på The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Convention i Los Angeles.
Massor med bilder här!

Eclipse Press Junket i Los Angeles

I lördags drog Eclipse press junket igång.Såklart strömmar det med intervjuer från b.l.a. MTV och detta höll på tills igår, alltså den 12 till den 13. Här kommer intervjuerna. :D

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog

[Källor: & ]

Twi Con - Bilder från LA

Bilder, bilder bilder! :D

Peter + Mimmi = Sant!

Bakom kulisserna på Eclipse

Nya Eclipse klipp




Intervjuer, intervjuer, intervjuer

Är du sugen på 14 nya intervjuer med skådespelare, regissörer m.m från The Twilight Saga: Eclipse? Då har du kommit rätt! Om jag ska skriva lite kort(KOOORT) om intervjuerna så kan man väll säga att de handlar om Eclipse! :D Spådespelarna pratar ganska mycket om deras karaktärer också.




Nya Eclipse stills

Fina, fina. :)

Dagens skämt

Nytt Eclipse klipp

Kristen Stewart om att vara känd

Kristen berättar att det även finns fördelar med att vara känd, särskilt i yrkeslivet. Kristen snackar lite om Lindsay Lohan också! ;)

Although opening up the benefit of being famous, the ‘Twilight Saga’ star explains that she avoids Facebook and Twitter because ‘there’s not a satisfied point that you can ever reach’. Kristen Stewart likes being famous. The ”Twilight Saga” actress, who is rumored to be dating her co-star Robert Pattinson, admits fame does make her life easier, especially in her professional life.

”The fame makes my life so much easier where it’s most important to me, because I get to do really awesome projects right now,” she said. ”It looks much crazier on the outside than it is.”

However, the 20-year-old star doesn’t want to court the attention and avoids social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter because she thinks they are narcissistic. She told Total Film, ”It’s just too connected.”

”They can just basically reach out and touch you. I feel about the most interesting thing about me is that I do these movies. More than that… it’s just complete narcissism. You start giving stuff away – then they’re not going to stop asking. There’s not a satisfied point that you can ever reach, so why start.”

Kristen recently credited her family for helping her reach where she had, and noted she was glad not to find herself in the same situation as troubled actress Lindsay Lohan. She said, ”My family are amazing. I had, like, the perfect upbringing. It sucks for people like Lindsay Lohan, but it’s not her fault that she’s so off the rails – and she’s smart, very smart.”


Intervju med Micheal Welch


Officiellt - Breaking Dawn blir två filmer!

Yey! Summit Entertainment har nu bekreftat att Breaking Dawn kommer bli två filmer och Bill Condon kommer att regissera båda filmerna. Längtar! :D

Summit Entertainment confirmed today that THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN will be released as two separate

films with the first of the two slated to be released in theatres on November 18, 2011. Academy Award® winner Bill Condon will direct both films starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner along with Billy Burke as Charlie Swan as well as returning members of the Cullen Family including Peter Facinelli as Carlisle, Elizabeth Reaser as Esme, Jackson Rathbone as Jasper, Nikki Reed as Rosalie, Ashley Greene as Alice and Kellan Lutz as Emmett.

The project, based on the fourth novel in author Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series, is currently being written by Melissa Rosenberg with Wyck Godfrey, Karen Rosenfelt and Stephenie Meyer producing. The TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN will start production in the Fall.

THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN illuminates the secrets and mysteries of this spellbinding romantic epic that has entranced millions.


Michael Nyqvist och Taylor Lautner i samma film?

Okej, jag vet inte om man ska kunna tro på det här eller inte men jag vill ändå lägga ut det här på bloggen för om det nu är sant är det ju ganska coolt! :D
Michael Nyqvist och Taylor Lautner i samma film!
Såhär skriver
Wow, vilken nyhet! Efter succén med Millenium-filmerna har Hollywood fått upp ögonen för den svenske skådespelaren Michael Nyqvist och satt ihop honom och Hollywoodskådisarna Taylor Lautner och Sigourney Weaver i filmen "Abduction". Huvudrollen i filmen som "Nathan" görs av Taylor som vi alla vet är högaktuell just nu i premiären för "Eclipse", den tredje filmen i Twilight-serien. Kanske blir detta Nyqvists stora internationella genombrott?

Nu kan du köpa din Eclipse biljett

Idag släpptes Eclipse biljetterna så skynda dig & köp din biljett! :D
Klicka här för att reservera din biljett.

Christian Serratos för MAXIM

100 % beauty!


Kör Twilight frågesport med Ashley Greene

Okej, just nu känner jag mig väldigt dåligt. Jag kunde nästan inga frågor ju! :o

Hur många rätt hade du?


Ashley Green & Kellan Lutz i Women’s health

Bakom Kulisserna med The Wolf Pack -


Eclipse Sneak Peek

Kellan Lutz i Men's Health Magazine



Jackson Rathbone snackar Breaking Dawn

Väldigt kort intervju men ganska rolig! :D

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog

In a new interview with MTV, Breaking Dawn Vampire Jackson Rathbone (aka Jasper Hale) told MTV that he is pretty excited to reunited with his Twilight cast for the filming of Breaking Dawn -

“I have not spoken to ["Breaking Dawn" director] Bill Condon yet, but I’m excited to,” Rathbone told MTV News last week, when he was in Los Angeles for the MTV Movie Awards. “He’s an incredible director, [an] Academy Award winner. That’s amazing, so it’s just another awesome director to handle the ‘Twilight’ franchise.

“['Twilight' director] Catherine Hardwicke brought a very independent feel. ['New Moon' director] Chris Weitz kind of made it a little more beautiful and elegant and ['Eclipse' director] David Slade’s going a little darker… so I’m excited to see what Bill Condon does,” Rathbone continued. “I really have no idea. I haven’t even seen a script for ‘Breaking Dawn’ yet, to be honest. I’m right there with you, still waiting.”

Rathbone admitted that he didn’t quite know the timetable for shooting “Breaking Dawn,” either. “I don’t! I could lie though! I will lie to you,” the “The Last Airbender” star teased. He then made up this scenario: “We’re filming it tomorrow, all of it in one day. We’re just gonna drink a lot of Red Bulls and we’re gonna have a green screen and go through it; no script even. We’re gonna make it up. You know what? We’re gonna try for all tomorrow.”

Many of the elements of “Breaking Dawn” are still unknown, but Rathbone is certain of one thing: He’s happy that the whole cast is reuniting. “I just wanted the family to be together,” he said. “We grew up [together]. Every time we get to film with one another, it’s like a family reunion.”

Robert Pattinson om intimscenerna i Breaking Dawn


Robert Pattinson is almost as excited as we are to see some racy sex scenes go down in the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn. But can you blame him? He gets to film said scenes with his real-life GF, Kristen Stewart!

“I think it will be interesting…I’m curious to see what it’ll look like,” the 24-year-old British hunk says in France’s Premiere magazine. “We don’t procrastinate any longer. Bella telling me, ‘I want you to turn me’ and me going, ‘No, no, no.’ She becomes a vampire in this movie. We get married and sleep together…I haven’t read the script yet but I’m sure it’ll be good.”

He adds, “I’m wondering how they will be able to translate this on screen. We’ll end up with a R-rated movie. Can you imagine if we decided to go in and turn Twilight into a hardcore saga for adults with sex scenes and everything?”

Robert Pattinson om intimscenerna i Breaking Dawn


Robert Pattinson is almost as excited as we are to see some racy sex scenes go down in the Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn. But can you blame him? He gets to film said scenes with his real-life GF, Kristen Stewart!

“I think it will be interesting…I’m curious to see what it’ll look like,” the 24-year-old British hunk says in France’s Premiere magazine. “We don’t procrastinate any longer. Bella telling me, ‘I want you to turn me’ and me going, ‘No, no, no.’ She becomes a vampire in this movie. We get married and sleep together…I haven’t read the script yet but I’m sure it’ll be good.”

He adds, “I’m wondering how they will be able to translate this on screen. We’ll end up with a R-rated movie. Can you imagine if we decided to go in and turn Twilight into a hardcore saga for adults with sex scenes and everything?”

Nytt Eclipse klipp med Bree & Riley

Nu när jag vet att Eclipse är från 11 år har jag bestämt mig för att inte titta på klippen som kommer ut, så tyvärr vet jag bara att klippet handlar om Bree och Riley.


True Blood & Bree Tanner - Likheter?

Oj då! ;)

Score Soundtrack finns nu på officiella Eclipse hemsidan!

Checka in Eclipse Scoure Soundtrack på!

Robert Pattinson - Famous Magazine

Här kommer några scans från tidningen Famous Magazine.

Intervju med David Slade

Ja, jag kanske ska varna alla om att det finns Eclipse spoilers i intervjun för de som inte vill veta något! ;) David Slade är så cool! :D


Dagens citat

I’ll give you passionate. Murder, the ultimate crime of passion.
Bella Swan, Eclipse

Eclipse klipp

Jag tror detta är efter att Bella följer med Jacob när de är i skolan! Här får vi också se the wolfpack. Äntligen, Leah är med! :D



Tom Felton pratar om Robert Pattinson

Both consistently dominate the box office, Twitter and, most recently, the MTV Movie Awards.

But what happens when the two come face to face? Well, we'll let Tom Felton, who plays Draco Malfoy in Potter and who won Best Villain answer that for you.

"It's no question really," Tom said cutely and smugly when we asked who would win in a fight between Edward and Draco. "A wand is going to beat...Oh, wait. I dare not answer that. But yeah, let's go with a wand over fangs for now."

We'd have to agree; score one for Potter. So how about their cult Twitter followers? We were surprised when we stumbled upon the insane fan base for Mr. Felton on Sunday at the MTV bash.

"That might be equal," Felton laughed. However, unlike Kristen Stewart's feelings toward the new wave of social media, Tom's all for it.

"It's totally cool. Twitter sprung up out of nowhere," Tom said, adding how he thought it was a cool way to interact with the fans. "It's great. There are so many fantastic supporters out there. I can't thank them enough. They're awesome."

Then again, Felton and his GF are hardly as hounded as Rob and Kristen, so can't say we blame the babe for hating the new form technology.

Wands down for a second, though, Tom had nothing but great things to say about good mate R.Pattz, whom he worked with in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

"I hadn't seen him for a long time actually, and then I saw him for his Remember Me premiere, and I was amazed that he remembered me," Felton joked. That was the first time Tom had seen Rob since he became a worldwide phenom.

"Rob's very sweet and just a very cool guy. He's actually very unaffected by all this. He's kind of the beacon of hope for life after Harry Potter. I'm very proud of him."
[Källa: ]

Anna Kendrick på Glamour Magazine Awards

Anna Kendrick såg väldigt tjusig ut på Glamour Magazine Awards, eller hur? :D
Anna Kendrick

Intervju med Chaske Spencer

With a recurring role in what has arguably become one of the most popular film franchises of the last decade, Twilight actor Chaske Spencer is surprisingly grounded.“I’m glad and very happy that I’ve got to be part of this pop culture phenomenon but at the end of the day it will go away,” he said last week, speaking from his base in Los Angeles.



“It will be a drinking game for the girls who grow up at college, it’s gonna launch some careers and give people a lot of opportunities.

“I’ve enjoyed the ride and I’m still enjoying the ride. I take it with a grain of salt.”

First appearing in the second film of the saga, New Moon, Spencer plays the role of Sam Uley, leader of the wolf pack.

“There’s a lot of physicality to this role and so when I prepare for Sam the book gives me the insight into what I need to go for with the character, but the workouts really helped out a lot. After you’re doing 100 push ups and 1000 sit ups you feel animalistic.”
He is currently promoting the third film, Eclipse, in which he and his fellow werewolves share a lot more screen time.

For those oblivious to the phenomenon, The Twilight Saga began with the best-selling series of novels by Stephenie Meyers.

The tale is spun around lead character Bella Swan, who is torn between love interest Edward Cullen, a 17-year-old “good” vampire, and her best friend Jacob Black, a 16-year-old werewolf who preys on “bad” vampires.

It’s a Mills & Boons-style romance, only with fangs and fur, and it has been embraced by a devout legion of Twilighters [as the fans are known] around the globe.

As well as continuing the love story, Eclipse will include more action and see the introduction of new characters.

“We [the wolf pack] join forces with the vampires and I think the fans are gonna love it, especially the ones who read the book,” Spencer said.

“We’ve got some new vampires coming in: Xavier [Samuel], who I think is a brilliant actor and a really good guy to work with; Julia Jones, she’s gonna play Leah Clearwater. I think she’s a wonderful actress and I’m very honoured to call her a friend. And BooBoo Stewart as well all these great new characters coming in.”

Spencer, a native American, was born of the Lakota Sioux tribe and raised on reservations in Montana and Idaho.

The 35-year-old has appeared in television series, films and on stage, but since appearing in New Moon, many a new door has opened.

“I’m gonna be forever attached to this franchise and it’s a double edged sword,” Spencer said.

“It’s a good thing because it’s giving me opportunities. For me, I appreciate everything it’s done but at some point you’ve got to distance yourself and take other roles where you keep your shirt on.

“I just did a film called Shouting Secrets, a very character driven movie and worked with a brilliant cast and a beautiful script, and that’s what the saga has allowed me. I also did a film called Winter In The Blood in which I pretty much play an alcoholic.

“I’ve been working before Twilight it just happened that when I got this role it’s given me a lot of exposure but I think you’ve got to keep a smart head on your shoulders and at some point back off.”

Spencer said he was grateful to the saga for its portrayal of native Americans.

“This time around we didn’t have to speak with a broken tongue or slap on the leather and feather,” he said.

“There’s character involved here and story, so it was a breath of fresh air … and the fans of Twilight don’t see us as native American actors, they see us as actors, which is something new. It’s a breath of fresh air that when the character’s introduced you have some rock music playing in the background, they’re not looking at you as long-haired native American. They’re looking at you as a werewolf that happens to be native.”

Spencer said that he would return for the fourth film in the saga, Breaking Dawn.

He said that the hardest aspect of preparing to play the part of a werewolf was the intense workouts.

“We hit the gym hard,” he said. “I really liked it though. My body has changed this past year, because I wasn’t that big. I was in shape but I was not the size that I am now.

“According to the book the wolves do get bigger when they’re in human form so I’ve been eating a lot, putting on weight, lifting more and then when it gets closer to game time I start getting cut, running, watching what I eat.


Snygg bakgrunds bild med Edward

Visst är den läcker? ;)
Klicka för större!
[Källa: ]

dagen bild

Dakota Fanning på CFDA Fashion Awards

Dakota var på CFDA Fashion Awards i måndes och hon såg fantastisk ut måste jag säga! Titta bara på den fina klänningen, go girl!

Ännu ett nytt Eclipse klipp

Robert Pattinson i Premiere Magazine (Franska)



Eclipse kort

Så som New Moon(och twilight tror jag) finns det också Eclipse samlarkort! Här kommer några. ;)

Klicka här för se fler.

En längre version av Eclipse klippet

Här kommer en lite längre version av Eclipse klippet Kristen, Taylor och Robert presenterade på MTV Movie Awards 2010. ;)


[Källa: ]

Intervju med Taylor Lautner


Waiting to interview one of the biggest stars in the world is certainly an odd feeling.


With remnants of coffee cups and bottled water sprawled across various
areas of the waiting area, it was a far cry from other press junkets,
where media are running from room to room, hoping for the next


In this case, for the third instalment of Twilight, it was a
much more subdued affair. The waiting areas were quiet, and only a lone
bodyguard hovered in the corridors.


So when Kristin Stewart walked past, with her trademark flick of her
hair, and shyly said ‘hey,’ there was no doubt who she was talking to. I
gave her a knowing smirk, and offered “hey” back.


NINE TO FIVE scored an interview with Taylor Lautner, perhaps better
known as his character Jacob Black, who fights off vampires by morphing
into a werewolf. Most of us know the story. Young girl falls in love
with vampire, vampire leaves to protect her, she’s devastated, werewolf
befriends girl and they fall in love, vampire comes back and the
love-triangle deepens.


Lautner’s Australian promo-schedule was hectic. Even so, he told me he
was excited to visit the country, and that the fans were very polite.
But it seems everybody wants a piece of the star. One can only imagine
the number of would-be clingers-on that now surround him. So how does
someone so young (he turned 18 in February), deal with all this success
and fame?


“It’s a matter of surrounding yourself with the people that you’ve
always spent time with, your closest friends and family and just not
changing that side,” he said.


“I live two different lives. I go into the Twilight world, and I
do that job – and that’s what it is, a job – and then you go home, and
you’re back with your family and friends and you live the same life you
did before.”


But life can’t be that simple. He’s the highest paid teenage actor in
the world; he has papparazi tailing him at every turn; he’s tabloid
fodder, and even Oprah is a fan.


It surely can’t go back to normal that easily. There can’t be an on/off


“(My life is) different; of course it’s not normal – I still can’t even
wrap my head around it.


‘‘You know you’re going to step outside and there’s going to be
paparazzi and fans, but it still comes as a surprise,” he said.


“The most important thing is that you can’t let it change your life and
affect you too much because it will drive you insane.”


“There’ are pros and cons to everything, but the pros for me heavily
outweigh the cons so I’ll take all the other stuff.”


Pros could include the millions of dollars he is making for the Twilight
films, and the adoration of all those women, and men, around the world.
His body is one of the most talked about subjects whenever his name
comes up. His abs even made it to No. 1 in Access Hollywood’s Top Five
Hollywood Abs’ list. He doesn’t get sick of the attention, but said it
can get a little embarrassing.


It’s rumoured that the director of New Moon considered replacing Lautner
because of the major physical changes that occur to his character in
the second film, but Lautner trained extensively for a year to secure
his spot in the saga, gaining nearly 14 kilos to reprise the role.


Perhaps if he had been cast as Robert Pattinson’s Vampire character,
Edward Cullen, he wouldn’t have had to follow such a strict regime.


He sometimes wonders what life would be like on the ‘‘other side’’.


“Just to feel what it would be like, just because I work with the
vampires, I want a little taste of it,” he said.

But vampire or werewolf, fame has afforded these Twi-stars many


Adoration, money and perhaps even power. It will be interesting to
follow the journey of these Twilight stars.

Lautner in particular, has a long career before him. From what this
journalist saw, his maturity will be the key to long-lasting success.


Taylor Talks

: About Kristin Stewart: “Kristin’s an amazing girl;
we’re extremely close friends, so (the media) can say what it wants it
doesn’t affect how I’ll look at her.” (Aww..I want a Taylor...)


: About Robert Pattinson: “He’s one of the funniest
people I’ve ever met. He has a completely different sense of humour to
me but I can’t stop laughing with him. Whenever we have to do scenes
where I’m having to hate him and scream at him, as soon as they call cut
I end up laughing at him so it’s hard to be mean to such a nice guy.” (So funny)


: About Dakota Fanning: “She is ridiculously talented.
I’ve grown up watching her films, one of my all-time favourite films she
was in, Man On Fire, so it was pretty cool to have her be a
part of this.”


: About the Taylor Swift/ Kanye West VMA drama: “I
didn’t know what was happening. (Moments after Lautner presented Swift
with a Video Music Award, West stormed the stage, taking the microphone
from Swift to announce Beyonce was more deserved). I thought it was an
act. When he (Kanye) got off the stage and she (Taylor) turned around
and I saw her face it was the first moment where I went, I’m so confused
right now. Was that real?”

Charlie Bewley i Cosmo UK!


Dagens skämt

Robert pratar om kyssen på MTV Movie Awards

Haha, Rob hade tydligen den bästa idéen men tyvärr funkade den inte! :(


Bästa kyssen på MTV Movie Awards 2010

MTV frågade Peter Facinelli, Alex Merax och Jackson Rathbones om vem de tyckte hade den bästa kyssen.

Tyvärr var det bar Peter som tyckte att Kristen och Robert's var bäst!

20 nya HQ stills från Eclipse!

Det är inte bara en, eller två nya stills... det är 20! :D
Jag älskar bilden på Alice och Jasper, den är så söt.

Reel'z Chanel Tidbit med Jodelle Ferland & Melissa Rosenberg

Reelz Channel’s Hollywood Dallies Twilight Tidbit pratade om  The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner med Jodelle Ferland och de pratade även med Melissa Rosenberg’s om hennes favorit scener i Eclipse. ;)


Dakota Fanning i The Today Show


The Short Second Life Of Bree Tanner - läs den online nu!

Klicka här för att läsa boken online nu! :D

Eclipse Soundtrack på Spotify

Detta är en anledning för att jag älskar Spotify! :D

dagen bild

Träffa Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner!

MTV Sweden har nu annordnat en tävling där du kan få träffa Kristen Stewart och Taylor Lautner då de är i Stockholm backstage. Inte dåligt, huh? ;)

Den 21 juni är ett datum vi sent kommer glömma, ett datum då Sverige får nobelt besök av ett par av världens just nu största skådespelare. Taylor Lautner och Kristen Stewart må vara mer kända under deras rollkaraktärers namn Jacob och Bella eller som snygg varulv och hopplöst vampyrförälskad flicka i Twilight-filmerna.

I samband med att den 3:e filmen i berättelsen om den lilla sömniga staden Forks som är tillflyktsort för en vampyrfamilj har premiär så ordnas ett sprakande event på Hovet i Stockholm där just Taylor och Kristen kommer närvara, och DU har chansen att besöka eventet och träffa skådisarna.

En lycklig vinnare får ta med sig en ännu lyckligare kompis och träffa, prata och kanske kanske kanske krama Taylor och Kristen backstage under eventet i Stockholm den 21:a juni. 1- 20 plats får även 2 exklusiva VIP-biljetter till eventet vilket ger dom tillgång till extremt bra platser under eventet där grymma band kommer spela, massa Twilight-grejer kommer finnas samt det viktigaste; aldrig tidigare visat material från nya filmen kommer presenteras.

Vill du vinna?

Klart du vill vinna, men hur gärna vill du vinna? Ladda upp en bild på dig själv iklädd din finast Twilight-outfit och briljera med dina engelska kunskaper när du berättar för oss – på engelska – exakt hur glad du skulle bli av ett möte med Taylor och Kristen så är du med och tävlar om en upplevelse du gladeligen kommer berätta om för dina barnbarn när du sitter i gungstolen och skränar på äldre dagar.

Lycka Till!


1:a pris:

2 VIP-biljetter samt 2 meet & greets-biljetter där vinnaren får träffa Taylor Lautner och Kristen Stewart under Twilighteventet i Stockholm, Hovet den 21:a juni 2010 (Värde: ca 1.300 kronor)

2:a – 20:e plats:

2 VIP-biljetter till Twilight-eventet i Stockholm, Hovet den 21:a juni 2010 (Värde: ca 500 kronor)

Tävlingen avslutas den 18 juni kl. 12.00 och vinnarna kontaktas den 18 juni per telefon.

Observera att MTV inte står för eventuella resekostnader eller logikostnader.

Vinnaren samt personen vinnaren väljer att ta med sig till eventet måste ha fyllt 18 år eller ha godkännande från målsman.

Klicka här för att komma till MTV's sida där du kan anmäla dig.

MTV Movie Award 2010

Jaha, nu är MTV Movie Award 2010 slut och det gick ju underbart för The Twilight Saga och skådespelarna eftersom de tog hem alla kategorier de var nominerade i! :D Hehe, yeeey!
Ni får ursäkta om allt inte är i rätt ordning.
Här kommer en live stream från Röda mattan:


Robert Pattinson och Taylor Lautner i Bad Ass Coops:

Haha, jag rekomenderar alla att titta på den här videon! Rob och Taylor ser bara för roliga ut! :D





Kristen Stewart vann priset för Best Female Preformance:

Tyvärr hittade jag inget annat klipp än det här men jag tycker det duger gott som väl. ;)



Anna Kendrick vann priset för Breakout Preformence:


Nu till det bästa av allt! KRISTEN & ROBERT VINNER PRIS FÖR BÄSTA KYSS!!!!!! :D <3






Efter allt det här presenterar Anna Kendrick WTF moment.

Sedan går Taylor och Rob upp på scenen.

Robert vinner pris för Best Male Preformance och några andra priser! ( YEAH! )

SEDAN, vinner faktiskt New Moon pris för bästa filmen! :D




Ja, och så sist men (verkligen) inte minst. Det efterlängtade Eclipse klippet. Kristen, Taylor och Robert presenterade klippet. ;)



Eclispe Score Soundtrack

1. Riley
2. Compromise/Bella’s Theme
3. Bella’s Truck/Florida
4. Victoria
5. Imprinting
6. The Cullens Plan
7. First Kiss
8. Rosalie
9. Decisions, Decisions…
10. They’re Coming Here
11. Jacob Black
12. Jasper
13. Wolf Scent
14. Mountain Peak
15. The Kiss
16. The Battle/Victoria vs. Edward
17. Jane
18. As Easy As Breathing
19. Wedding Plans

Lyssna på Eclipse Soundtrack

Nu kan du lyssna på Eclipse soundtrack på den officiella Eclispe soundtrack hemsidan,
1. Metric – Eclipse (All Yours)
2.MUSE - Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)
3. The Bravery – Ours
4. Florence + The Machine – Heavy In Your Arms
5. Sia – My Love
6. Fanfarlo – Atlas
7. The Black Keys – Chop And Change
8. The Dead Weather – Rolling In On A Burning Tire
9. Beck and Bat For Lashes – Let’s Get Lost
10. Vampire Weekend – Jonathan Low
11. UNKLE - With You In My Head (Feat. The Black Angels)
12. Eastern Conference Champions – A Million Miles An Hour
13. Band of Horses – Life On Earth
14. Cee Lo Green – What Part of Forever
15. Howard Shore – Jacob's Theme

16. Battles – The Line
17. Bombay Bicycle Club – How Can You Swallow So Much Sleep
18. Fanfarlo – "Atlas" (Remix) (Digital Bonus Only)
19. Cee Lo Green – "What Part Of Forever" (Remix) (Digital Bonus Only)

Kristen Stewart & Taylor Lautner kommer till Sverige

Jag vet att jag är rätt sent ute med det här men ändå! :D
Den 21 Juni kommer de två Twilight stjärnorna befinnas sig i Stockholm.
Såhär skriver Nordisk Film:

Skådespelarna Kristen Stewart och Taylor Lautner besöker Stockholm den 21 juni inför Sverigepremiären av THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE!

Måndagen den 21 juni besöker skådespelarna Kristen Stewart och Taylor Lautner Stockholm inför Sverigepremiären av THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE. Kristen Stewart, som spelar Bella Swan och Taylor Lautner, som spelar varulven Jacob, har båda blivit några av världens största filmstjärnor efter succéerna med de två tidigare filmerna i The Twilight Saga: ”Twilight” och ”New Moon”.

-Att skådespelarna väljer Stockholm som en av tre exklusiva anhalter på sin promotionturné är resultatet av ett bra samarbete med amerikanska producenten Summit Entertainment. En ännu större anledning är The Twilight Sagas framgångar i denna del av världen och det outsinliga engagemanget från den skandinaviska fanbasen. Vi är oerhört stolta och glada å fansens vägnar att dessa två världsstjärnor har valt att komma till Stockholm, utöver Rom och Berlin. Pia Grünler, Distributionschef Nordisk Film

PRESSKONFERENSEN äger rum i Stockholm måndag den 21 juni.*

THE TWILIGTH SAGA: ECLIPSE är den uppmärksammade fortsättningen och tredje delen i Stephanie Meyers berättelse om Bellas och Edwards omöjliga kärlek.

En våldsam seriemördare härjar i Seattle och en ondskefull vampyr fortsätter sin jakt för att ta ut sin hämnd på Bella som åter igen befinner sig omgiven av fara. Samtidigt tvingas hon att välja mellan sin älskade Edward och sin vänskap med Jacob. Och hennes val riskerar att blåsa liv i den urgamla kampen mellan vampyrer och varulvar. Men Bella har också ett annat val att göra – valet mellan liv eller död. Men vad är vad? Regi: David Slade. I rollerna: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson och Taylor Lautner.

THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE får Sverigepremiär över hela landet den 30 juni 2010!


Fy på mig!

Hej allihopa!
Jag är hemma igen. Jag kom faktiskt hem den 31(tror jag) men jag har haft så mycket att göra så jag har inte hunnit vara inne på datorn så mycket. Förlåt, förlåt! Jag har tittat runt på några bloggar och jag ser att jag har missat en hel del! :o
Men nu är jag tillbaka men(!) jag kommer tyvärr inte kunna blogga imorgon eftersom jag kommer vara ute med min familj hela  dagen men jag kanske hinner blogga när jag kommer hem. Jag vet, jag är så dum! :(
Mvh Nilli<3

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