
82. Stephenie Meyer

STAGE OF GLOBAL CONQUEST: The Mormon housewife’s Twilight teen-vampire romance novels sold nearly 29 million copies in one year, capturing the top four positions on the USA Today best-seller list for 2008, making her the first author ever to do so. (J. K. Rowling came close with Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 5 with her Harry Potter titles in 2000.) The movie version of Twilightgrossed $191 million in the U.S., and the film adaptation of her second book, New Moon,opens in November. Meyer has also inspired hundreds of Web sites from fans who call themselves “Stephen-ites” or “Twi-hards.”
MARITAL RELATIONS: Her husband, Christian, quit his job as an auditor to look after their three sons.
DAILY HABITS: Drives fast but doesn’t consume alcohol or caffeine.
LEGEND HAS IT: Meyer, 35, began writing as a 29-year-old Phoenix housewife in 2003 after dreaming of vampires one night. She wrote 10 pages the next morning before driving her sons to swimming lessons. She moved a desk into the living room and finished her 130,000-word first novel in only three months.
THORN IN HER SIDE: Stephen King, who said that “Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can’t write worth a darn.”
NEW THORN IN HER SIDE: Jordan Scott, who has alleged in a lawsuit filed in August that Meyer stole ideas from her 2006 vampire novel The Nocturne, and used them in Breaking Dawn, which Meyer published in 2008.
Meyer’s publisher has said that the claims are meritless.



Nu finns Genom Dina Ögon av Stephenine Meyer(inbunden) på svenska ute i butikerna!

Genom Dina Ögon av Stephenie Meyer

Jorden har invaderats av en ras som tar över människornas sinnen medan de lämnar kroppen intakt och större delen av mänskligheten har dukat under. Men Melanie Stryder vägrar att tyna bort.
Vandraren, en av de invaderande Själarna som har tilldelats Melanies kropp, har hela tiden varit medveten om hur plågsamt det skulle vara att ta över en människas kropp: de överväldigande känslorna, de allt för tydliga minnena. Men det finns en svårighet som Vandraren inte har väntat sig – att den tidigare ägaren av kroppen vägrar att ge sig av och överlämna kroppen till henne.
Melanie fyller Vandrarens sinne med bilder av Jared, mannen hon älskar och som hittills lyckats hålla sig gömd. Det är omöjligt för Vandraren att skilja på sina och Melanies känslor och snart åtrår hon en man hon aldrig mött. Hotet från de andra Själarna gör Vandraren och Melanie till ovilliga allierade och tillsammans ger de sig av för att finna mannen som de båda älskar. 


Stephenie Meyer stämd?!

Jag klicka in på twifans och hitta ett inlägg där det stog att Jordan Scott stämde Steph för att ha kopierat(breaking dawn) hennes bok The Nocturne!


AUTHOR of the Twilight series of books, Stephenie Meyer, is being sued by a woman who says Meyer copied her work, said media reports on Thursday.

Jordan Scott is claiming that Meyer's book, Breaking Dawn, is based on her own book, The Nocturne.

Scott wrote the book when she was 15 years old and it was published in 2006 reported entertainment website TMZ.

According to Scott, the books "show striking, articulable and substantial similarities in the... plot lines, themes, dialogue, mood, setting, pace, characters, sequence of events, ideas and other similarities."

TMZ has previously reported on the story, listing the similarities claimed by Scott, who sent Meyer a detailed letter stating the same claims.

Some of the scenes Scott says have been copied include a post-wedding sex scene, and a scene involving the death of a main character's wife, said TMZ.

TMZ was told by Meyer's representative: "The claim that Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer somehow infringes on an alleged book by someone named Jordan Scott is completely without merit.

"Neither Stephenie Meyer nor her representatives had any knowledge of this writer or her supposed book prior to this claim," they told TMZ.

However Scott has now decided to pursue her claims and is taking Meyer to court.

Läs om Stephenie's sommar!

Vår fantastiska Stephenie har skrivit om sin sommar på sin sida!

Stephenie Meyer - Comic Book

Så här skriver Twilightguide ;


That’s right, Stephenie Meyer is getting a comic book.

The Stephenie Meyer issue of Female Force will cover her biography and rise to stardom as the author of Twilight. There is a regular version and a bonus edition that includes the history of Forks, WA.

The comic is available for pre-order from TFAW. Check it out here.

För att köpa den, klicka här! :)

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